#the100DayProject / Week 4

See this Instagram photo by @adelestuckeyatr * 28 likes

There have been moments where I realize, oops it's 9pm and I forgot to create my bijou tile! I reluctantly plop down, grab whatever material is closest and draw lines on the tile. Usually these are the times that I feel a bit frustrated with the product; it feels messy and rushed (and yes, I judge my art in these times). 

On the other hand, when I ease into the process, just when the time feels right during my day, either early in the morning or after I've settled back down at home, there is a comfort that happens. A sense of flow comes more easily, almost as though my hand is creating on its own.  Entering into my creative process with intention creates a more pleasant and exciting experience for me. 

I'd like to share a reminder, for you, me, and all creatives: approach these experiences from a non judging point of view. Today you were rushed and created artwork that was "messy" or didn't feel quite right? Okay! Let that be and notice what happens during your next creative session. 

Check out this week's photos on Instagram.