#the100DayProject / Week 3

I noticed it was a bit of a struggle to keep up the daily practice of making art during week three. On my facebook page this week I posted an article about using the word "busy" to describe how you are feeling. It was such a timely find. As I sit and think about what felt challenging, the word "busy" comes to mind. In actuality, I was finding different ways to slow down at the end of the day, the same time I'm usually creating my daily bijou tile. The weather in Northern Virginia warmed up and I soaked up as much time outside as possible. 

I also have some very exciting events coming up where I will be teaching the Zentangle method. (Read more here) So, instead of saying that I'm busy, I'd like to declare that this week was full of excitement, planning, and preparation that shifted my attention. 

You may also notice a shift in my artwork towards the end of the week (the images closest to the top). Using watercolors helped me loosen up a bit and working with my favorite material helped me revive my daily creative practice. 

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