Alexandria Art Therapy, LLC

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How to Create an At-Home Art Studio

In the Northern Virginia area, we’ve been in some state of quarantine for 4-5 months. Depending on your perspective at any given moment, you’re working from home or living at work. You’re likely some combination of full time caregiver, full time employee— all while living, working, socializing, and self-caring within the same walls.

And the need for a safe, soothing space is still very much needed. So, how do you create a space for self-care and self expression within your home?

Create a space for yourself.

This might be a corner of a room, a section of a shelf, or a drawer in your dresser. Carve out a space for your materials and make it as easy as possible to grab what you need to create.

Maybe you have a table space — maybe you don’t. Get creative with your space; consider spreading out on the floor, finding a side table to use as a surface, or relax on your bed.

Keep it small.

Set out an art journal (or notebook), some drawing materials, and maybe a magazine for collage. Keep is small and simple so that it feels easy to sit down and create when the urge arises.

Build an at-home art kit.

This is where it gets fun!

Below is a list of materials you can combine to create your own set of supplies. Some of these supplies can be found in your home or easily picked up (ordered) from an art supply store. Pick and choose your favorites or experiment with something new.


Art journal, sketchbook, altered book, printer paper, notebook paper, the back of an envelope from junk mail, cardboard

Drawing materials

No. 2 pencil, art pencils, colored pencils, oil pastels, chalk pastels, sidewalk chalk, a pen from the junk drawer, highlighter, sharpies


Watercolor paint, acrylic, tempera paint, spray paint, paint from a home project


Images or words cut out from magazines, junk mail, catalogues, newspaper, printed offline, old photos

Mixed Media

Cotton balls, scrap paper, washi tape, sticks, thread, fabric, cardboard

Creating an art kit is to help you embrace your creativity when time feels limited or energy is low. Spend 5 minutes doodling or create a piece of art in an hour. In a world where things feel incredibly tough— use this art making process to explore what feels good.

Feeling overwhelmed with the options?

At Alexandria Art Therapy, we’ve sent clients an art kit to use for self care and for art therapy sessions. Included in this starter kit is a range of materials: drawing, colored pencils, markers, oil pastels, watercolors, mixed media sketchbook, a packet of dissolvable paper with a prompt for letting go, a sheet of collage words, and a glue stick.