Parenting Problems: Why Does it Always Feel Like I’m Stuffing Down My Emotions?
Coping Skills, Mental Health, Parenthood, TraumaAlexandria Art Therapy LLCparenting, pandemic parenting, emotional regulation, emotional expression, perinatal mental health, coaching, trauma, breaking the cycle, feelings, talking about feelings, stress cycle, Emily Nagoski, Amelia Nagoski, square breathing
Five Journal Prompts for the New Year
Mental Health, Journal PromptsAlexandria Art Therapy LLCnew year, new year's resolutions, journal prompts, journaling, journal techniques, prompts, art making prompts, reflection, introspection, pandemic, Zora Neale Hurston, hand directive, #100DayProject, the 100 day project
A Peek Inside Our Meditation Stones Workshop
Alexandria Art Therapy's 2021 Gift Guide
A Guide to Journaling
Mental Health, Resources, Self CareAlexandria Art Therapy LLCjournaling, journal prompts, journal techniques, self care, self care practice, morning pages, the artist's way, mari andrew, julia cameron, lynda barry, four square journaling, austin kleon, gratitude, instagram
A Formula for Burnout, A Formula for Peace: The Unnamed Factors Making You Love or Hate Your Job
Mental HealthAlexandria Art Therapy LLCburnout, work life balance, peace, job satisfaction, changing jobs, quitting your job, pandemic, responsibility, autonomy, control, anne helen petersen, emily nagoski
Self Care: Thinking Outside the Box
Coping Skills, Mental Health, Resources, Self CareAlexandria Art Therapy LLCself care, self care practice, Nicole Stamp, audre lorde, burnout, parenting, productivity culture, download
I Bring the Calm
Coping Skills, Mental Health, ParenthoodAlexandria Art Therapy LLCcalm, mottoes, mantras, affirmations, parenting, pandemic parenting, toddlers, values